The role of the Advisory Board is to provide guidance and advice to the editorial team and to the publisher on an ongoing basis.
As of October 1, 2014, the Journal of Chess Research Advisory Board members are:
- Grandmaster Lev Alburt, New York, NY, author, chess teacher, former U.S. Champion
- Ms. Amy Bowllan, B.S. Concordia University, NYC, Emmy winning journalist
- Mr. Nicolas Checa, Managing Director, McLarty Associates, NYC & Washington, DC
- Dr. Neil Charness, Florida State University, active researcher on chess and aging issues
- FIDE Master Leontxo Garcia, Madrid, Spain, respected chess journalist
- Grandmaster Efstratios Grivas, Athens, Greece, FIDE Trainer’s Commission
- Prof. Manuel Guillermo Nieto, Colombia (SA) Sch. of Engineering, International Arbiter
- Grandmaster Susan Polgar, Webster University, former women’s World Champion
- Grandmaster Kenneth Rogoff, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, former U.S. Champ
- Attorney Hanon Russell, Publisher – Russell Enterprises, Inc., Milford, CT